From the production of foodstuffs to their packing and distribution: when Unibouw creates accommodation for companies in the food branch, the product holds centre place throughout the entire process. That’s because the product, with its many attributes, determines which laws and regulations are applicable and how the business accommodation can be designed in such a way as to achieve an optimal operating result.
Legislation and regulations
We have switched from the Dutch HACCP standards to the international ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000. For you, as an entrepreneur, this simply means that you have to be able to show at all times that you are working in the way that you say you are. Each production process is unique and, as an entrepreneur, you are responsible for compliance with these laws and regulations when you manage and control it. Unibouw its role in facilitating this very seriously. It’s our job to make sure that the business accommodation is optimally arranged. Not only as regards the operating process, but also in the sphere of safety and hygiene.
We also devote attention to legislation and regulation at the local and provincial level. For example, we supervise the process concerning zoning plan changes and licence applications.
Optimal design
Unibouw designs the business premises, as it were, around the product and the processes. How does the production process proceed? How do the logistical lines run? From here, we look for ways to design and streamline the premises from the inside out. The earlier we are involved, the better the design is geared to the process. This applies not only to the conceptual phase, but also to the final touches, such as specific food-safe coatings, the finish of 90 degree angles, furnishing for an aggressive environment, and the use of galvanised steel – these are just some of the many possibilities.
Unibouw specialises in translating wishes and requirements. We are your sparring partner, helping you, the entrepreneur, to comply with the right laws and regulations with custom-made business premises.